NOW booking: october 2024

Woman in ivory dress crouched down in a field of purple flowers fixing daughter in pink outfit's hair

Tips for a Successful Family Photo Session

As a long-time Little Rock family and newborn photographer, I’ve seen a lot! I’m here to share all the inside tips from my experience that will help your session go off without a hitch.

Come well rested and with full bellies!

Kids (and honestly adults, too!)  do so much better under these conditions. Bring water and non-messy snacks in case anyone needs a re-fuel.

Go easy on discipline.

I know that photo session day can be stressful and triggering for everyone. However, I highly recommend using gentle discipline as often as possible during your session and leading up to it. Being nagged and/or heavily reprimanded can stick with children for a surprisingly long time. This places kids in a headspace that doesn’t encourage connection during your session.

Be calm, relaxed, and ready to play!

Your kids feed off of your energy, so if you’re stressed out, lots of times they are, too! Trust that you’ve done all the proper planning, and that I will guide you to get great images even when the process feels chaotic.

PS – I know you want to ask your children to smile and “cheese!” for me. Be aware this can actually be a hindrance to genuine smiles. Don’t worry, we’ll get lots of smiles through genuine interaction!


The whole focus of your session is to show your family’s connection. I will guide you through your whole session, but if you’re ever in doubt of what to do – find someone in your family you can connect with. Use lots of touching: hugging, tickling, brushing hair out of face, holding hands, etc.